Integrated Engineering Services

Trust the experience of MTLS Aerostructure teams

Due to their complex nature, aerospace projects are typically divided into consecutive or parallel stages. Each of these projects will mobilize varying amounts of manpower or resources depending on the phase and the program’s life cycle.
Certain key stages of your projects can be carried out more efficiently by having them executed either offsite or by turnkey engineering services.

MTLS Aerostructure stands ready to provide you with integrated engineering services and assist you in identifying your needs at each stage of every project.

Once you’ve entrusted a specific task to MTLS Aerostructure, you can rest assured that it’s in capable hands. MTLS Aerostructure is well versed in selecting and mobilizing resources that are adapted to different types of mandates as well as in ensuring privacy and compliance with CGP (Controlled Goods Program) and ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) requirements where applicable.

MTLS Aerostructure is committed to delivering exceptional services at each and every stage of your aerospace projects:

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